Make Interviews More Engaging with Direct Eye Contact

A woman smiles at the camera - Still from a video produced by Cognitive Films for Amend Wellness

At Cognitive Films, we’ve conducted hundreds of interviews, and we’re not exaggerating when we say that a single project might involve more than ten interviewees in one day. Being on camera can often make you self-conscious—some thrive under the spotlight, others need to be warmed up, and some appreciate a bit of coaching. Generally, because […]

High Dynamic Range Video?

A city with a bridge in the background - HDR video screenshot

HDR photos are everywhere these days, even on the iPhone.  In photography, the HDR effect is achieved by capturing 2 or more (usually around 3-5)  of the same photo at a range of exposure levels. A longer exposure of the frame is captured to properly expose the dark areas of the photo, and additional photos […]